The DigitalOcean Reactions are designed to allow users to automatically perform common tasks on DigitalOcean cloud servers. These tasks could be for issue resolution or simply day-to-day tasks.

Power Cycle Droplet

The Power Cycle Droplet Reaction is designed to allow a user to perform a hard Power Cycle of a DigitalOcean cloud server. A power cycle in DigitalOcean is equivalent to pulling the power from a server. This Reaction is useful as only a last resort, when all other Reactions were unable to resolve the issue.

Power On Droplet

The Power On Droplet Reaction is designed to allow a user to power on a DigitalOcean cloud server. This Reaction is a bit of an edge case but can be used to power on a server that will take over the role of a false server.

Reboot Droplet

The Reboot Droplet Reaction is designed to allow a user to reboot a DigitalOcean cloud server. This is a soft reboot and is generally used when other Reactions were unable to resolve the issue.

Power Off Droplet

The Power Off Droplet Reaction is designed to allow a user to power off a DigitalOcean cloud server. Much like the Power On Droplet Reaction, the use of this Reaction is an edge case but for some situations it has its uses.

Shutdown Droplet

The Shutdown Droplet Reaction is designed to allow a user to shut down a DigitalOcean cloud server. The use of this Reaction is the same as the Power Off Droplet Reaction. However, this reaction performs a soft shutdown where the Power Off Droplet Reaction is equivalent to pulling the power from a server.

Snapshot Droplet

The Snapshot Droplet Reaction allows users to create a snapshot of a DigitalOcean cloud server. This Reaction may be useful for creating a quick backup of a misbehaving system for later analysis.

Create Droplet

The Create Droplet Reaction allows users to create a new DigitalOcean cloud server. This reaction can be useful for giving infrastructure the ability to autoscale during issues or events.

Name Prefix

The name prefix field allows you to specify a prefix for the droplet name. The name will also contain a timestamp to avoid creating droplets with duplicate names.